Hyde Parker Magazine Endorses Zo Qadri for Austin City Council District 9

Central Austin Deserves a Pro-Housing Voice at City Hall

Austin’s housing crisis demands swift and drastic action.

And tackling it going forward won’t be easy. The city is fighting an uphill battle against powerful interests who find the status quo convenient and are terrified of opening up more of the city to people who might not look like, earn like, or think like they do.

It's with that sentiment in mind that the Hyde Parker Magazine endorses progressive Democrat Zohaib "Zo" Qadri to represent Austin City Council District 9. We believe Qadri not only understands the urgency of this moment in our housing crisis, but as a longtime progressive activist and renter, Qadri will bring perspective sorely missing from the current dais.

This month, the Hyde Parker Magazine endorsed former state Rep. Celia Israel for mayor, and Qadri could be an important piece of the pro-housing coalition she would like to build. He has described our current land use code as “Reagan-era policies” that need to be reversed and replaced with an emphasis on housing, climate, and transportation.

“I think we are truly letting our people and community down,” Qadri told Texas Signal in a recent interview. “We need to build more housing, and build more affordable housing for low income families.” In addition to a commitment to land use reform, Qadri supports the expansion of community land trusts, right-to-stay programs, housing vouchers, and steering Project Connect displacement funds to "truly affordable housing." He believes the city should do more to support individuals experiencing homelessness in the community.

The University of Texas graduate would be the first Pakistani-American and Muslim elected to Council. He worked as a political outreach director for Beto O'Rourke's 2018 Senate campaign and also served as regional organizing director for Elizabeth Warren's 2020 presidential campaign. And that experience is paying out in endorsements.

Among a healthy field of candidates, Qadri is also able to boast many endorsements from organizations including the Sunrise Movement, American Youth For Climate Action, Our Revolution (Texas and Central Texas chapters), AOC - Courage to Change Pledge, Texas College Democrats, Workers Defense, Grassroots Law Project, Future Generations, Pressley Policy Pledge, Austin Young Democrats, University Democrats, IBEW Local Union 520, Run for Something, Moms Demand Action Gun Sense Candidate, and more. He is also endorsed by former Democratic congressional candidates Mike Siegel and Julie Oliver; Jessica Cisneros; State Representatives Sheryl Cole, James Talarico and Donna Howard; Austin Community College Trustee and community activist Julie Ann Nitsch, and many more.

Nitsch explained her endorsement this way: "We need more community organizers in office, and he will fight tooth and nail for the working class community of Austin. He's the candidate with the experience and fight to get things done on the dais." That’s why the Hyde Parker Magazine believes Zo Qadri is the best candidate to represent Hyde Park and central Austin on the Austin City Council. Hyde Park’s largest neighborhood association, Friends of Hyde Park, has also endorsed Zo Qadri. We hope you consider joining us, Mike Siegel, Julie Oliver, and others and vote the same way.

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View the Full June 2022 Hyde Parker Magazine Issue Below


Hyde Parker Magazine Endorses Celia Israel for Mayor


Why Kirk Watson is the Wrong Choice for Mayor